History in the Making

It started way back in November 2003 with a phone call from Riding Mountain National Park. Don Huisman, then the Townsite Manager of RMNP, indicated their intention to build a new water treatment facility and asked would the RM of Park be interested in this project. The objective was to offer potable water to the constituents of Onanole via a line to be located somewhere around the national park entrance kiosk. The RMNP plant would be constructed to a size that would accommodate the needs of the RM of Park well into the future.

Personal health, boil water advisories and environmental integrity were the driving forces for the RM of Park to design a water sewer project with the assistance of our engineering firm at that time, JR Cousins. The news of this project was brought to the public at an open house in April of 2004 at the Elkhorn Resort.

Later, in December 2004, A Memorandum of Understanding was signed between RMNP & RM of Park for the supply of potable water.

A lot has happened since that day in 2004. In 2005, hearings were held in Onanole and Brandon to bring the project to the public and help everyone understand the how and whys of the plan. Unfortunately not everyone thought such an undertaking was of value and objections started flying like a goose migration on a cold October day. Of the 3100 electors, 600 filed objections. Of those complainants, 74% were seasonal residents which left one to ask; is this about health or money.

Because of the number of objections, Municipal Board of Manitoba hearings were held to determine the validity of such a venture. On Nov 30, 2005 in Brandon and December 01, 2005 in Onanole, objections by constituents and rationale by council were heard by respondents and Municipal Board members alike.

While all of this was going on, our CAO of the day, Syl Yakielashek, was busily writing the government of the day substantiating the water/sewer plan and requesting consideration for Canada/Manitoba Infrastructure funding. Fortunately Syl was successful in his efforts and the RM of Park was able to secure 2/3 funding for the first two phases of the project.

On April 28th 2006, at a press conference, the RM of Park announced approval from the Municipal Board for the commencement of the Onanole Water and Sewer Project. April 28th marked the third attempt since 1979 to bring a water and sewer program to Onanole.

2006 also marked an election year, and the new council stalled the water/sewer plan. Grant applications as noted were already in the works and on October 22, 2007, the RM of Park received infrastructure funding approval in the amount of $3,595,600. In 2008 work restarted with an engineering firm drawing up project plans.

Enter 2010 and another election and the drive to jump start the water/sewer project began. Infrastructure funds secured in 2007 needed to be used by 2012 or they would be gone forever. By now many constituents had reconsidered the project and realizing that the costs were never going to decrease, coupled with the need for good water, the project started gaining momentum. Proponents for the project were back at the council table, a new townsite manager at RMNP; Dale Wallis renewed the federal government’s initiative to work with their neighbors.

Through much hard work, extreme effort, meetings, meetings, and more meetings, today we are happy to announce the signing of the first ever Water Supply Agreement with RMNP. The term to supply potable water to the RM of Park is 20 years.

Many thanks go out to those that helped along the way. Those include, Hugh Penwarden (RMNP), Don Huisman (then RMNP townsite manager), Greg Fenton (RMNP then Superintendant), Cheryl Penny RMNP Superintendant of the day). RM of Park council members, CAO of the day Chad Davies, and our front line office staffers have done an awesome job all along. Lastly, our former Reeve Ray Frey who also worked tirelessly on this project.

But that is not where this story ends. RM of Park has tendered out the first phase of the Water/Sewer project and we are presently negotiating with a contractor. Our hope is to turn soil in May/June 2011.

Yet there is more. Through the tireless efforts of the RMNP townsite manager and municipal council members, a wastewater agreement between the RM of Park and RMNP is signed as well today. This agreement will allow effluent from Mooswa Drive East to be pumped to the RMNP new lagoon system.

Yes, this is history in the making! Now watch us grow.

Remember 06 Ray?  This was the hill to die on back then. Right now it’s all starting to look worthwhile.

6 responses to “History in the Making

  1. Carol and Don Hawking

    This is a fabulous, concise and informative article showing the history of our water debacle. Thank you for taking the time to fill us in. And thank you for caring so much about our community! C & D

    • Carol/Don,
      Thanks for the kind words. It’s been a long journey getting to this point. I think anyone can succeed if they have enthusiasm & perseverance and in this case, the support of the constituents.

  2. I’m very proud of you!

  3. Thanks for the great update Vern. Your hard work is appreciated. Thanks to all that work so hard to make this an even better place to live!

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